How to Create a Vision Board for Product Description Copywriting

Iustina Ikert
4 min readSep 9, 2021

Learn how to use a vision board to create inspiring product descriptions

Photo by Juliana Malta on Unsplash

You and your team might be ready to put out there on the market all your amazing new products and you want your audience to have a full picture of how their wonderful features would bring them the benefits they are looking for. You want to have a clear picture of all the aspects of your products so you can find the best product strategy for what you have to offer to your customers.

This is where the vision board steps in. You might have heard of vision boards before and if you are anything like me the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about a vision board is a corkboard filled with photos. Well, keep that thought in mind because I’m going to show you how you can expand on that mental image of the classic vision board and bring it closer to your ecommerce needs.

First things first…

What is a vision board? And why do you need it?

A vision board is a collage of images and motivational words, key concepts, and ideas that keep you focused on your goals, dreams and make it easier for you to see the big picture and plan every step to fulfill them. Why do you need it? See it this way: if there’s a way that you could always…

